Year of metal Ox
2021 Ox predict from September- Jan2022
Ox year has been a tough year for the World. This Yin energy, specific to the Chinese zodiac sign of Ox, will be quite poignant . This is going to be a year when we are fully feel the weight of our responsibilities, a year when it is necessary to double our efforts to accomplish anything at all.
To enhance your luck , wear /display metal accessories. To avoid Family disputes or the working environment amicable . carry a Tibetan Vajra

Work hard and play hard
This year Metal Ox , symbol of aggressive financial optimism and prosperity. Many of us struggle with stress- at work and in our personal life. Stress is real, but we always have a choice- we can let it consume us or we learn to control it.
Stubborn Ox
Stubborn character, but also stubbornly loyal to those they love.
September - Smooth lucky charm 9 tailed fox
October- Moves swiftly - Lucky charm Vajra
November-instability to ones' emotion- lucky charm White Lotus Flower
December--Quarrelsome with the hostile star - lucky charm -fish tank
January 2022- Illness star- lucky charm - Wu Lu